LiquidThought LLC, Best Screen Capture Software



SpotColor Video
See SpotColor in Action!
Sept, 18 2009

SpotColor 1.0 for the iPhone
Add pizzazz to your pics!
Sept, 18 2009

ScreenJot 2.2 Released
Now With Annotations!
June 10, 2009

ScreenJot 2.1 Released
October 26, 2008

ScreenJot Gallery Added
October 14, 2008

ScreenJot 2.0 Ships
SEPTEMBER 23, 2008

In Other News

pxCore 1.3 Released
An update to our portable open source framebuffer library.
July 19, 2009

LiquidThought Becomes a Certified iPhone Developer
SEPTEMBER 23, 2008

pxCamera Released
FEBRUARY 17, 2008

pxCore 1.2 Released
FEBRUARY 16, 2008

pxCore Released
JANUARY 22, 2008

SpotColor for the iPhone

Add flare and pizzazz to your pics. The effect known as adding "Spot Color" allows you to highlight specific parts of your pictures by leaving the color intact and allow other parts of your picture to be deemphasized by converting them to shades of gray.

Just load any picture from your photo library or camera and you will be presented with your photo in shades of gray. Now just use your finger to brush the color back into the areas that you want to highlight. Add a little too much color back? Just switch to the gray brush and use your finger to erase away the color just like magic!

Best Screen Capture Software

ScreenJot™ for Windows

ScreenJot™ is a powerful screen capture program that makes it easy to take a "picture" of what is on your screen at any given time. ScreenJot lets you capture the entire desktop, the contents of a specific window or a cropped section of the screen. It also make it easy to share these jots with your friends. You can simply drag and drop the thumbnail of your capture to any program [AIM, GTalk, etc.] that supports file drag and drop.

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