What is ScreenJot?
How to Capture the Entire Screen?
How to Capture a Part of the Screen?
How to Capture a Particular Window?
How to Make a Timed Capture?
How Do I Save a Capture?
How to Copy to the Clipboard?
How to Save Files in a Different Folder?
How to Include the Cursor in Captured Images?
How to Share a Captured Image?
How to Change the Default Image Type?
How to Change the Default Save Location?
Does ScreenJot support multiple monitors?
What is ScreenJot?
ScreenJot is a screen capture utility that makes it fast and easy to take a picture of what is on your screen at any given time. It lets you capture the entire desktop, the contents of a specific window, or a cropped section of the screen. After you have captured an image, you can manipulate it and share it with AIM, GTalk, or any other applications that support file drag and drop.
- Simply press Ctrl-Shift-3
- The image will be saved in a folder called "Jots" on your desktop. The default file format is .jpg.
- ScreenJot will automatically open with the captured image.
- Simply click on the icon.
- The image will be saved in a folder called "Jots" on your desktop. The default file format is .jpg.
- ScreenJot will automatically open with the captured image.
- Simply press Ctrl-Shift-5
- The cursor changes to a crosshair.
- Select any portion of the screen using the crosshair.
- When you release the mouse button, the captured image will be automatically saved in the "Jots" folder on your desktop. The default file format is .jpg.
- ScreenJot will automatically open with the captured image.
- Simply click on the icon.
- The cursor changes to a crosshair.
- Select any portion of the screen using the crosshair.
- When you release the mouse button, the captured image will be automatically saved in the "Jots" folder on your desktop. The default file format is .jpg.
- ScreenJot will automatically open with the captured image.
- Simply press Ctrl-Shift-4
- The cursor changes to a pointer hand.
- Move the cursor to the window you would to capture till that window is highlighted.
- Click to capture that window.
- The image will be saved in a folder called "Jots" on your desktop. The default file format is .jpg.
- ScreenJot will automatically open with the captured image.
- Simply click the icon.
- The cursor changes to a pointer hand.
- Move the cursor to the window you would to capture till that window is highlighted.
- Click to capture that window.
- The image will be saved in a folder called "Jots" on your desktop. The default file format is .jpg.
- ScreenJot will automatically open with the captured image.
- Click on the Image of a Clock in the ScreenJot window to turn Timed Capture On.
Note: If Timed Capture is On, you will see a rectangular border around the Timed Capture icon (the clock).
- Select "Capture Rectangular Region", "Capture a Window", or "Capture an Entire Screen".
- Capture delay of 5 seconds occurs before a snapshot of the screen is taken.
- If you do not want Timed Capture for the next capture, make sure to turn it off by clicking on the Image of the Clock.
Note: If Timed Capture is Off, you will NOT see a rectangular border around the Timed Capture icon (the clock).
1. When you take a capture, ScreenJot will automatically save your capture in the "Jots" folder on your desktop.
2. If you make any changes to your image in ScreenJot, you can save those changes by clicking on the Save button.
3. The image will be saved in your default directory.
4. To save to a different location, select Tools ---Save As and then select the new location and hit Save.
- After your captured image has appeared in the ScreenJot window, press Ctrl-C.
- The image will now be in the clipboard.
- You can now paste into any application.
1. Go to Tools ----Save As.
2. Select the new location and hit Save.
- Go to Tools ----Preferences----Check the box for Include Mouse Pointer in Capture.
- Capture the image.
- First Capture the image using ScreenJot.
- Drag thumbnail of image from ScreenJot to any application that supports drag and drop.
- Bingo! Its that easy.
- Next to the Filename in ScreenJot, you will find a pull-down menu with different image types (PNG, GIF, BMP, JPG, etc.)
- Simply select the image type you prefer for future captures.
- ScreenJot will use this image type for all future captures.
- Go to Tools ----Preferences----Default Capture Directory----Change
- Select new location.
- ScreenJot will save all future captures in this directory.
ScreenJot is designed to capture from the screen that currently contains the mouse pointer. So to capture content on another monitor simply move the mouse cursor to that screen and hit the appropriate hot key. Alternatively you can move the ScreenJot window to the screen that you want to capture from and click on one of the capture icons.
Note: ScreenJot will capture from the monitor that the mouse pointer is on when the click occurs.
Have a question that we haven't addressed? We'd love to help! Just drop us a note at support@liquidthought.com.